teisipäev, 10. veebruar 2015

High Off Life

Just everything since the beginning of January.

Hardcore statistics


After stats

Mario Kart Tuesday

The Ting Tings @ Grote Markt

not my name bro

Frankie Animal @ Groningen!!

Kala and Stennu came from Amsterdam to listen to Frankie Animal, sing "Sepapoisid" and ride the bikes.



Kala and Stennu were actually supposed to crash at my place but it was so nice at Heidi's that we all just stayed there on the ground. 

Throwing that quarterly report though #heforshe


Game night after an exam 

To pro crime?

When you're in a hurry to school 

but then

you have to take pictures

because it's so beautiful everywhere.

Psychologist motto



and snowy Schier

Because Nils loves vertical

Last dinner for Johanna and Miikael :( :) 

Johanna and Miikael know themselves how I feel about them, but everyone should still know that during their time in our house, 'home' got a whole new meaning.

From now on, it will be about things and stuff that happened between Thursday the 29th of January until Friday the 6th of February. I don't have pictures of everything, so there will be short notes too. It's packed.

Exams are over and Victor is filled with peace, love and happiness.




bla bla bla or the party after the last exam 

The next morning I had a lot of fun at home and wrote LIFE META MILK. It's a detailed description about the moment we finished our last exam until Friday afternoon. It has somewhat socially unacceptable content, so if you're interested then you can try to ask it from me. Not everyone will get it though.

Next day


Heidi full of stars remix

6am doesn't even matter

swag is for boys plätu is for men

Crash swag

The crash was on Saturday, 1st of  Feb. On that evening I created UP RIGHT DOWN LEFT, which you could see in my previous post. On Sunday, I served breakfast alone for the first time at work. On Monday our stats professor had his funniest lecture ever ("Are you a freak?!"). I also wrote a very personal poem that, but it's in Estonian and meant for one person so I won't publish it (why even mention it then, you dick?).

Monday chill

Erki Nool

To Monday party

Tuesday morning I woke up at 10 to go and meet someone in the city at 10:30. The person didn't show up, but my roomie Tomas was in the center, so we went around some stores and enjoyed the beautiful weather. 

Vintage Gro

When he went home, I had a ride through the most beautiful alley in Groningen: OVER FEAR

At 14:00 we had a lecture

Paula also likes lectures

Tuesday after the lecture we went home and started sharing music at home with Jenny, and Tomas. Damn, there's too much good music in the world. We also went back to the alley with Tomas to shoot another video: 

Wednesday came

We had a lecture at 15:00. At 17:00 I met with the person I couldn't meet the previous day at 10:30. At 18:00 I went to a workshop about body images. At 19:30 I listened to the most mind-blowing lecture about aging by Aubrey de Grey. Apparently, we will be like elves in Lord of the Rings soon (we won't die of old age). Check out his documentary. After that it was party time again. My lovely friends Lena and Hannah were group leaders for the new international students in town. At the beginning of every semester there are weeks full of parties dedicated to the new pupils.


Who's that chick? (It's Hannah)

What a group leader or what?

On Thursday I had to teach my two mentor groups again, something that I hadn't done for a while. It was awesome, at least I felt so. I asked them about why I had only seen one of them at the parties, I kept the content of the lessons concise and I finished both of them earlier. I also "invented" the ABC-method of structuring a paragraph:
Argument (e.g. "These researchers say that color red influences the outcomes in sports.")
Bring Example (e.g. "In one study, fighters with red pants won more fights that fighters with blue pants.")
Conclusion (e.g. "Thus, the results of their study seems to indicate that color red does influence the outcomes in sports, but we should replicate this finding in other sports as well.")

Later that day I listened to a lecture about Jihadism. Did you know that 'jihad' means 'struggle'? And that it can eventually be manifested in war when used in the meaning of external stuggles, but the term also(initally, even) represents a person's inner struggles? Inner struggles are part of being a good muslim or just a good person in everyday life. The jihad is real bro.

We had drinks after the lecture in one of the coolest bars in Gro. It has a cocktail robot.

On Friday our new awesome roommate Alexandra arrived. Luckily, there was a big Houseparty that evening. Initially I asked for +5 to the party to take everyone from my house. Then I also found out that my Estonian friend Sandra is visiting from Maastricht, so there was no other way to take +3 Estonian girls to the party as well. 

Friday at three I played some footy again. I hadn't played for over a month and I was dying.

After footy we had some food and did some NextGen FIFA gaming with Tom. After that I picked up  the Estonians Sandra, Mariin and Heidi and went to my place to join with everyone in my house. 
#fun #3 #legend

At some point we started heading to the Houseparty. On the way, we also added another friend to our group. Well, +9 it was then. We arrived to the party, and some dudes were on the balcony.
"Where's the entrance?", I shouted.
One dude looked down, took a moment to realize what he's seeing and yelled: 
"Hey, it's Dan Tõnus!"

Finally got a picture together with Heidi.

By the way, Peter van Hunen was at the party. I hugged the legend. Before the statistics exam, everyone posted questions to our programme's Facebook group about the problems they can't solve. Peter was the guy who answered to every single one of them with proper length. There were like 20 of them a day every day for the week before the exam, so he spent hours each day answering them. He was almost always online. When people were discussing an answer to a question in the group and couldn't figure it out with ~30 minutes, then someone just tagged Peter under the post. He always came with short notice and aced the problem again and again and again. 
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?", people were asking.
"It's just for fun."

The Houseparty was awesome (Muu-muu teeb põsed punaseks)

At some point my roommate Alexandra said she would like to go home, because she had been traveling from 3am the previous morning. Her bike was locked to mine so I went outside with her to unlock it. While we were doing that across the road from the party, a police van cruised to the front of the building. Three huge lads came out and went inside. Nice timing, eh?

When I went home that night, I saw that I had received a message saying that the poem I wrote on Monday had been delivered to the person it was meant for, and received with...

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