esmaspäev, 14. juuli 2014

Teeme kiire./ Let's make a quick one.

Mõtlesin, et kuna nüüd on suvi ja mu Groningeni sõbrad tahavad ka äkki mu blogi lugeda, siis kirjutan nii eesti kui ka inglise keeles.

I thought that since it's the summer now and my Groningen friends maybe want to read my blog as well, then I will write both in Estonian and English.

Inglise keeles kasutan Times New Romanit, sest see on APA(American Psychology Associationi) stiil.

When writing in English I'll use Times New Roman, because it's APA style.

Ma ei hakka tegelikult iga lause järel keelt vahetama.

I'm not actually going to change the language after every sentence.

Ainult see üks kord veel.

Only this one last time.

Nii et millega ma siis hakkama olen saanud? Lõpetasin esimese aasta ülikoolis ära. No vaat kus kus lops, hea töö Dan. Mult küsiti korra, et kuidas ma seda aastat 10-palli süsteemis hindaksin ja ma ütlesin kohe 10. Mitte, et kõik oleks ideaalne olnud, seda kindlasti mitte. Pigem olen kogenud selle viimase aasta jooksul nii oma elu kõige raskemaid kui ka kõige ilusamaid hetki, nii kooli- kui ka eralus. Ja just sellepärast ütlesingi 10 - tunnen, et olen elanud! Viimased nädalad koolis olid küll selle aasta hooletuimad, lootsin vaid asjad käest ära saada. Ja nii tulid ka viimastel eksamitel seni kõige kehvemad hinded. Aiai. Samas, mis seal ikka. Järgmine aasta olen jälle tuhinat täis ja hästi eeskujulik. Ja kohe kindlasti eeskujulik, sest minust saab õpetaja. Seega õige oleks nüüd mulle härra Tõnus öelda, aga lihtsalt Dan on ka okei. Tegelikult midagi nii tõsist ei ole. Nimelt on esimese aasta õpilastel aine nimega Academic Skills, kus õpitakse teaduslikke tekste kirjutama ja lugema. See aine on kaheteistkümnestest gruppides, mida juhendavad kaks õpetajat: üks professor ülikoolist ja üks vanem õpilane. Minust saab siis see vanemast õpilasest juhendaja. Saab põnev olema. 

So what have I done? I finished my first year in the university. Well would you look at that, good job Dan. Someone asked how would I rate the year on a scale of 10 and I immediately said 10. Not that everything would have been ideal, definitely not. Actually I've probably experienced both the hardest and most beautiful moments of my life during the last year, both in academics and private life. And that's exactly why I said 10 - I feel like I've lived! However, the last weeks in uni were certainly the most careless weeks of the academic year as I just wanted to get rid of my obligations. And thus, on the last exams I also got the worst grades so far. Then again, what the heck. Next year I'll be full of enthusiasm again and setting a good example. Especially setting a good example, because I'll be a teacher. So it would be correct to refer to me as mr. Tonus now, but just Dan is also fine. Of course, it's nothing that special really, I'm just going to be a student mentor for Academic Skills. Going to be interesting.

Väike pidu oli ka siis enne eksameid. Just, enne eksameid. Pärast eksameid ei olnud mul enam kahjuks aega, kuigi teised pidutsesid pärast ka. Mina läksin kohe ühele toredale saarele nimega Schiermonnikoog. Täna lõppes 3 ja pool nädalat nõudepesijana. Olen päris osav juba, aga eks arenguruumi on alati. Töökaaslased olid väga mõnusad, parim asi vist terve asja juures. Kogu kultuur asjaajamiste juures on hoopis teistsugune kui Eestis. Inimesed on väga sõbralikud ja mõistvad. Ja nad on hollandlased, seega neile meeldib õlut juua ja pidutseda. Minu kaks pidu olid mõlemad pärast Hollandi mänge - esimene penaltitega võit Costa Rica üle ja teine penaltitega kaotus Argentinale. Peod olid mõlemad vägevad. Marcel ja Nils käisid ka vahepeal külas. Laenutasime mingitsorti buggy ja sõitsime sellega mööda saart ringi. 

A small party also took place before the exams. That's right, before the exams. Afterwards I didn't have time anymore, although the others had a party after the exams as well. I went straight to the fun island of Schiermonnikoog. Today I finished my three and a half weeks as a dishwasher. I'm already pretty good, but there's always room for improvement. The co-workers were very nice, probably the best thing about it. The culture of running a business is really different from what it is in Estonia. The people are very friendly and understanding. And they're Dutch so they like to drink beer and party. My two parties were both after the Dutch games - the first after winning from penalties against Costa Rica and the second after losing from penalties against Argentina. The parties were both cool though. Marcel and Nils also paid me a visit. We rented some sort of a buggy and went around the island. 

My kingdom

When the world feels like a ball of ice cream

What is art?

Schier is nice

You need a driver and a mapreader to be taken seriously in this game

Kuldne Trio / Golden Trio

Getting a bite of Schiermonnikoog

Hop hop

Typical houses on the island


My hotel

On mitmeid asju, mis mind Hollandisse õppima tuleku juures õnnelikuks teevad. Arvan, et olen heas ülikoolis, oskan Eestit rohkem hinnata, õpin iseendaga paremini toime tulema ja palju muud. Aga mis mind enim sõnatuks võtab on ikkagi need erinevad inimesed erinevatest rahvustest oma erinevate lugudega. Läbi aasta kogesin seda ja nüüd saarel jälle. Sain nii hollandlasti kui ka tšehhe ja poolakaid paremini tundma õppida. Ja nende lugusid. Igal inimesel on ikka mingi põnev lugu rääkida, või muud moodi edasi anda. Vahel mõtlen, et selle nimel elangi. Aga siis tuleb meelde, et mul on ju oma lugu ka.

There are several things that make me happy about coming to study in Holland. I think I'm in a good university, I can appreciate Estonia much more, I learn to deal with myself and so on. But what takes my breath away most often are still the different people from different nationalities and different stories. I experienced this through the year and now again on Schiermonnikoog. I got to Dutch people better but also the Czechs and Polish. And their stories. Every person has some fascinating story to tell about, or give on in a different way. Sometimes I think that's what I live for. Then I remember that I also have a story of my own.

I hope this post was dawg enough for you

NB! Olen nüüd Eestis. PS! I'm in Estonia now.


Danger Dan(for Marcel and Nils) or Dan the Man(for Hansje, and other people I worked with)

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